14 June 2018
Our industry is changing and so is our name Our online systems are changingOur industry is changing and so is our name As the commercial passenger vehicle industry is changing, so are we. From July 2018, the Taxi Services Commission will be known as Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria, and will continue to regulate all commercial passenger vehicle services – including taxis and hire cars across Victoria.
In addition to this, new legislation and new regulations will begin on Monday 2 July 2018. These will require operational changes to be made, including:
More information on these changes will be communicated in upcoming editions of eNews, via industry channels and on our website.
The Taxi Services Commission (TSC) is working to expand the Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) to all regulated commercial passenger vehicle service providers, allowing them to offer services to MPTP members. This includes taxis and hire cars.
We want to hear from industry participants who would like to take part in providing services for subsidised trips taken by MPTP members.
If you are interested in demonstrating that your company can meet the functional and technical specifications outlined in the below data collection pack, we invite you to contact us about your data collection options, systems and ideas.
MPTP data collection provider package DOCX, 504.3 KB
The MPTP is administered by the TSC and currently has over 200,000 members in Victoria. In 2016–17, more than 4.9 million trips were undertaken by members using their MPTP cards.
To participate in providing data collection services for subsidised MPTP commercial passenger vehicle trips, please contact Roland Estrella, TSC Manager, Business Services, via email or phone (03) 8683 0749.
When Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) members currently take a taxi, after presenting your MPTP card to the driver, your driver uses a EFTPOS machine to record your membership number and calculate your subsidised fare.
For the next few weeks, a new card reading device is being trialled in several taxis in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
Net-Cabs, trading as Oiii, will use a system based on a tablet device including meter, in a small number of their taxis, rather than swiping your MPTP card in an EFTPOS machine.
This change will not alter your entitlement in anyway. It simply means your MPTP card information is captured in a different way. If you use a wheelchair, you will not be charged a lifting fee.
You will only come across the new technology if you have booked an Oiii taxi via their app, hailed one of their taxis on the street, or hired one at a taxi rank.
All other Melbourne taxis will continue to use an EFTPOS machine to check your eligibility and calculate your subsidy.
For more information, please visit our Q&As.
Charitable services, such as community transport providers and councils, wanting to offer commercial passenger vehicle services in their communities, in addition to their charitable transport services, now have a new fact sheet to help them get started.
The Getting Started in the commercial passenger vehicle industry fact sheet outlines how to get started in the industry, including applying to us for accreditation, information on fares, providing accessible services, access to our Multi Purpose Taxi Program and your requirements and obligations.
Getting Started in the commercial passenger vehicle industry fact sheet PDF, 239.6 KB
Getting Started in the commercial passenger vehicle industry fact sheet DOCX, 31.3 KB
Most charitable services, including community transport services and councils, do not need Taxi Services Commission (TSC) accreditation, as these services are provided free, or for a token amount. Those wishing to expand their services to include commercial passenger vehicle services, however, need to apply to us for accreditation.
For more information, send an email to the TSC Stakeholder Engagement team on or phone them on 1800 638 802.
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